Text+ Call for Proposals 2025 Processing and Securing Research Data in collaboration with Text+
21. February 2025 00:00Call for Proposals 2025: Processing and Securing Research Data in collaboration with Text+ Text+ is part of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) with the goal of establishing a distributed research data infrastructure for humanities research data. At the current stage, it is focused on the data domains of digital collections, lexical resources, and editions. The aim of this announcement is to continuously expand the offerings of data and services provided by Text+ and make them available to the research community in the long term. Alternatively, applications can be submitted that utilise the data and services available in Text+ specifically for innovative research questions. Likewise, own institutionalised and sustainable data centres with interfaces can be integrated into the technical infrastructure of Text+ in order to make the relevant data permanently available in the Text+ infrastructure. ..
Read moreNew Learning Resources on the Integrated Authority File (GND) – Promoting and Sharing Knowledge
12. February 2025 00:00The PID Network Germany Standardization Office has published two accessible and interactive e-learning modules on the GND, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Both modules are Open Educational Resources (OER) and aim to provide practical knowledge of the GND in a clear and sustainable way: Learning Module 1: “Einfach normiert – Mit der GND die Qualität von Sammlungsdaten verbessern” This module is aimed at beginners and provides fundamental information about the GND, its benefits, and how to use the GND search. Accompanied by the fictional persona Dr. Anna Mayer, learners will learn how to use the GND to enrich their collection data in museums, archives, or research projects. The module includes, among other things, a quiz to reinforce the learned content. ..
Read moreLLM Service
5. February 2025 00:00Foto: Screenshot Text+, CC-BY 4.0 Text+ LLM Service Now Online The text- and language-based humanities offer a wide range of use cases for large language models (LLMs) through their research data. Text+ expands access to such research data via the Registry, the Federated Content Search (FCS), and the data centers and repositories of contributing partners. Now, a web service is also available for the open-source LLMs (Meta) LLaMA, Mixtral, Qwen, and Codestral, as well as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This service is made possible by GWDG, which, as a National High-Performance Computing and AI Center, supports the development and testing of research-related AI applications within Text+. ..
Read moreData Depositing
5. February 2025 00:00Foto: Screenshot Text+, CC-BY 4.0 Data Depositing in Text+ Would you like to securely archive and make your research data reusable? As part of the NFDI, Text+ serves as a hub for text- and language-based research data, offering the scientific community the opportunity to deposit their data. This ensures not only long-term archiving but also, within legal constraints, enables further reuse. Access is available to all researchers with an academic affiliation and supports compliance with data protection and licensing requirements. ..
Read moreSurvey Newsletter
29. October 2024 00:00Evaluation of the Text+ Newsletter The Text+ Newsletter has now been running for almost a year. So far, it includes four issues with six sections and is distributed to over 400 email recipients as a link and made available in the portal. For us, it is beyond question that a project like Text+ requires such a tool. However, we aim to further develop this tool, potentially introduce new content, while being mindful of your time and providing the community with an opportunity to interact with us. ..
Read moreText+ Newsletter #4
29. October 2024 00:00Welcome! Here is the Text+ newsletter for December 2024. We cordially invite you to take a look at our project activities. We welcome any feedback, questions, or requests, which can be most easily directed to us via the office. Currently, we distribute the newsletter every three months through various channels: via the website and through our email list to the community that wishes to stay updated about Text+. This list currently includes 400 recipients. If you would like to receive the newsletter through this channel, please let us know briefly. ..
Read moreSave the Date – Text+ Plenary und DARIAH-EU Annual Event
1. November 2024 00:00Foto: Göttingen Marktplatz, Daniel Schwen, Wikimedia Commons, GNU FDL v1.2 Save the Date Mark your calendars and save the date Holding two events back to back is both logistic challenge and a huge opportunity for collaboration. It enables anything from chance encounters to planned cooperation. It allows for an exchange between numerous related interest groups and disciplines. DARIAH-EU covers the entire scope of humanities, arts, and cultural sciences, while Text+ represents the text- and language-based research communities in Germany and the former CLARIN-D and DARIAH-DE leading institutions. ..
Read moreText+ Newsletter #3
29. October 2024 00:00Welcome! We are pleased to present the third Text+ Newsletter. We warmly invite you to take a look at our project activities. We appreciate your feedback, questions, or suggestions, which can easily reach us via the Office. The 3rd Text+ Plenary: Fascinating Insights into the World of Large Language Models (LLMs) On October 10th and 11th, 2024, the historic premises of Mannheim Palace transformed into a center for innovation and exchange during the 3rd Text+ Plenary. Around 200 participants experienced an exciting program focused on “Large Language Models (LLMs) and their applications.” ..
Read moreNFDI-Kooperation
29. July 2024 00:00Zusammenarbeit in der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur Die gemeinnützige Vereinigung Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Wissenschaft und Forschung in Deutschland durch den Aufbau einer nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur zu fördern. Sie zielt darauf ab, ein umfassendes Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) für Deutschland zu entwickeln und die Effizienz des gesamten deutschen Wissenschaftssystems zu steigern. Nach einer zweieinhalbjährigen Aufbauphase wurde im März 2023 der Prozess zur Aufnahme neuer Konsortien abgeschlossen. Insgesamt besteht die NFDI nun aus 26 disziplinären Konsortien sowie einer zusätzlichen Basisdienste-Kooperation (Base4NFDI). ..
Read moreText+ Newsletter #2
15. July 2024 00:00Welcome! We are pleased to present the second Text+ Newsletter. We warmly invite you to take a look at our project activities. We appreciate your feedback, questions, or suggestions, which can easily reach us via the Office. Text+ Plenary on October 10 and 11, 2024 The 3rd Text+ Plenary will take place on October 10 and 11, 2024, at Schloss Mannheim. The consortium, the community, representatives of other NFDI consortia, and interested parties are all invited. This year’s Plenary is themed “Large Language Models (LLMs) and their Use.” Participants will discuss in lectures, panel discussions, and working group sessions how they use these technologies in their own work and how they can contribute to further development with their data and offerings. ..
Read moreText+ Newsletter #1
30. April 2024 00:00Welcome! We are pleased to present to you the first Text+ Newsletter. In the future, we will share news from the project up to four times a year in this section. We welcome feedback, questions, or requests, which can be easily sent to us via the Office ( Why a Newsletter? Text+ as an NFDI consortium aims to facilitate the use and preservation of text- and language-based research data. To achieve this goal, offers are being developed and established in collaboration with the community during the project’s runtime. Wherever sensible and possible, we build upon existing work or collaborate with other NFDI consortia. In addition to providing information about specific services and resources, we aim to inform about the current status of our work through instruments like the Newsletter. Lastly, we want to emphasize that Text+ is interested in feedback and community involvement. ..
Read moreText+ Kooperationsprojekte Ausschreibungsrunde 2024 Forschungsdaten aufbereiten und sichern gemeinsam mit Text+
21. February 2024 00:00Text+: Ausschreibungsrunde 2024: Forschungsdaten aufbereiten und sichern gemeinsam mit Text+ Text+ ist Teil der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) mit dem Ziel, eine ortsverteilte Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für geisteswissenschaftliche Forschungsdaten aufzubauen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Datenbereichen digitale Sammlungen, lexikalische Ressourcen und Editionen. Ziel dieser Ausschreibung ist es, die Angebote an Daten und Services von Text+ kontinuierlich zu erweitern und für die Community der Forschenden langfristig verfügbar zu machen. Es ist auch möglich, dass Anträge gestellt werden, die bereits in Text+ vorhandene Angebote an Daten und Diensten in einer beispielhaften bzw. für das Text+ Angebotsportfolio nachnutzbaren Weise verwenden. Dazu werden auf maximal ein Kalenderjahr befristete Projekte gefördert, deren Ergebnisse in die Text+ Infrastruktur integriert werden (Siehe FAQ zur Integration von Daten und Diensten in Text+). Dies kann z. B. dadurch geschehen, dass im Rahmen dieser Projekte vorhandene Daten so aufbereitet werden, dass sie durch ein bereits an die Text+ Infrastruktur angebundenes Datenzentrum für die Community (dauerhaft) verfügbar werden. Alternativ können eigene institutionalisierte und nachhaltige Datenzentren mit Schnittstellen in die technische Infrastruktur von Text+ eingebunden werden, um die betreffenden Daten in der Text+ Infrastruktur verfügbar zu machen. Bei Software und anderen Services wird erwartet, dass das Ergebnis unter einer offenen Lizenz bereitgestellt wird, mit Text+ abgestimmt ist (Leistung eines Kohärenzbeitrags) und langfristig für die Infrastruktur betrieben werden kann. Die Bereitstellung entsprechend den FAIR- und CARE-Prinzipien ist dabei wesentlich. Nach den Richtlinien der NFDI sind nur Arbeiten förderfähig, die auf die Integration in das Angebotsportfolio von Text+ abzielen. Aufbau und Ausbau von Ressourcen selbst sind hingegen aus Eigenmitteln zu tragen. ..
Read moreText+ Plenary 2022
17. May 2022 00:00Text+ Plenary 2022 On September 12 and 13, 2022, the Text+ Plenary took place in Mannheim. Registration is closed. For more information, visit
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