
Text+ Newsletter #2

15. July 2024 00:00

Welcome! We are pleased to present the second Text+ Newsletter. We warmly invite you to take a look at our project activities. We appreciate your feedback, questions, or suggestions, which can easily reach us via the Office. Text+ Plenary on October 10 and 11, 2024 The 3rd Text+ Plenary will take place on October 10 and 11, 2024, at Schloss Mannheim. The consortium, the community, representatives of other NFDI consortia, and interested parties are all invited...

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Text+ Newsletter #1

30. April 2024 00:00

Welcome! We are pleased to present to you the first Text+ Newsletter. In the future, we will share news from the project up to four times a year in this section. We welcome feedback, questions, or requests, which can be easily sent to us via the Office ( Why a Newsletter? Text+ as an NFDI consortium aims to facilitate the use and preservation of text- and language-based research data. To achieve this goal, offers are being developed and established in collaboration with the community during the project’s runtime...

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Text+ Kooperationsprojekte Ausschreibungsrunde 2024 Forschungsdaten aufbereiten und sichern gemeinsam mit Text+

21. February 2024 00:00

Text+: Ausschreibungsrunde 2024: Forschungsdaten aufbereiten und sichern gemeinsam mit Text+ Text+ ist Teil der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) mit dem Ziel, eine ortsverteilte Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für geisteswissenschaftliche Forschungsdaten aufzubauen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Datenbereichen digitale Sammlungen, lexikalische Ressourcen und Editionen. Ziel dieser Ausschreibung ist es, die Angebote an Daten und Services von Text+ kontinuierlich zu erweitern und für die Community der Forschenden langfristig verfügbar zu machen. Es ist auch möglich, dass Anträge gestellt werden, die bereits in Text+ vorhandene Angebote an Daten und Diensten in einer beispielhaften bzw...

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DFG Guidelines on Digitisation - Updated Version 2022 Published on Zenodo

13. March 2023 11:13

DFG Guidelines on “Digitisation” - Updated Version 2022 Published on Zenodo Since mid-February, the updated version of the DFG (German Research Foundation) guidelines on “Digitalization” has been available online: Text+ played a significant role in coordinating this update in collaboration with NFDI4Culture. The DFG guidelines on “Digitisation” serve as a fundamental framework for DFG-funded projects in the Digitisation and Development” program. These guidelines establish standards and provide information on all organizational, methodological, and technical aspects related to the digitisation and development of objects of material cultural heritage...

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Text+ Blogs!

7. November 2022 00:00

Text+ Blogs! The time has finally come: Text+ now has its own blog: After the soft launch of the blog in September 2022 at the Plenary Assembly, the blog officially goes live today. The blog focuses on topics related to scholarly work with text- and language-based research data: whether it’s in your own research, research data management, on the IT side, or in teaching to prepare students and postgraduates for these fields of work...

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Text+ Plenary 2022

17. May 2022 00:00

Text+ Plenary 2022 On September 12 and 13, 2022, the Text+ Plenary took place in Mannheim. Registration is closed. For more information, visit

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Solidarity Statement

16. March 2022 00:00

Solidarity Statement EN Text+ on The Situation in Ukraine Those involved in Text+ are stunned and horrified in light of the war in Ukraine. Many of us have been working with colleagues from Ukraine and Russia for years. We feel for them. We stand in solidarity with the people who are currently denied freedom, peace and a self-determined life. People who instead find themselves in mortal danger and are exposed to fighting...

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Text+ Plenary 2022

17. May 2022 00:00

Text+ Plenary 2022 On September 12 and 13, 2022, the Text+ Plenary took place in Mannheim. Registration is closed. For more information, visit

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