

We are pleased to present the third Text+ Newsletter. We warmly invite you to take a look at our project activities. We appreciate your feedback, questions, or suggestions, which can easily reach us via the Office.

Text+ Internal

Change of Speaker

Results of Coordination Committees Elections

Blog Highlights

In this section, we present interesting posts from the Text+ blog. The blog provides information about Text+ and supplements the website by offering work in progress or a closer look at individual topics. All posts are DOI-enabled and citable.

Guest contributions on topics of interest to the Text+ community are warmly welcome! Get in touch if you have a topic.

Edit recommends #1: The Great Family Book of Philipp Hainhofer

RDMO in Text+

Workshop Reports

Core Trust Seal for the TextGrid Repository

Application examples

The interoperable edition ‘sub specie durationis’

Publications, Services & Information Offers

Text+ maintains its bibliography on Zotero and presents a structured view on its Portal.

The interoperable edition ‘sub specie durationis’

Events & Reports

On November 25 CLARIN-CH (the Swiss CLARIN consortium) organised a webinar on Legal aspects of collecting and sharing social media data, with an invited presentation by Dr. iur. Paweł Kamocki, legal expert at Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim and co-chair of the Text+ WG Legal. His presentation discussed the legal challenges surrounding the use of social media data for language research purposes, covering essential topics such as copyright and text-and-data mining (TDM) exceptions, the importance of terms of service, data protection laws, as well the new regulatory framework under the Digital Services Act. The slides and the recorded presentation can be found under this link:

Text+ FID Jour Fixe

Entity Linking, a Text+ IO Lecture


All events – both upcoming and past – can also be found in our event calendar on the Text+ portal..

Joint workshop on Large Language Models (LLMs) in publishing

30 October 2024NFDI und Spezialbibliotheken im Gespräch – eine Umfrage des NFDI Konsortiums Text+ zu Katalogdaten von Bibliothekenvirtuell
31 October 2024Text+ Research Rendezvousvirtuell
06 November 2024IO-Lecture: Migration von RocketChat zu Matrixvirtuell
12 November 2024Text+ Research Rendezvousvirtuell
14 November 2024Erschließen, Forschen, Analysierenvirtuell
18/19 November 2024Digitale Wörterwelten: Einblick in die Text+ InfrastrukturBerlin
20/21 November 20241st Base4NFDI User Conference (UC4B2024)Berlin
27 November 20245. FID / Text+ Jour Fixe - Verzeichnen und AblegenSUB Göttingen
28 November 2024Text+ Research Rendezvousvirtuell
04 December 2024IO-Lecture: Wie kommt mein Dienst ins Portal?virtuell
04 December 2024Verknüpfung und Kontextualisierung: Die Gemeinsame Normdatei als ein PID-System für Kulturelle Objekte in GLAM-Institutionenvirtuell
10 December 2024Text+ Research Rendezvousvirtuell
10 December 2024GND-Forum NFDI & Co.virtuell
