FCS Hackathon @ CLARIN2024

Barcelo Sants, Barcelona, Spain
October 2024
09:00 – 17:00

We invite you to a new FCS Hackathon on October 18, 2024 following the CLARIN Annual Conference 2024.

The CLARIN Federated Content Search (FCS) is a search engine and infrastructure that connects heterogeneous data collections and search engines hosted locally in institutes and data centers and provides users with a unified interface to discover and search interesting language resources.

The hackathon will first introduce the theoretical foundations around FCS and endpoint development and then participants will develop FCS endpoints together. Tutors will be available for questions and advice. At the end of the hackathon, each participant should have developed their own endpoint, acquired knowledge for further customization and become part of the wonderful FCS community.

Further information and registration: https://www.clarin.eu/event/2024/fcs-hackathon-clarin2024
To the event page of the previous Text+ FCS Hackathon at the SAW

last modified: Sep 25, 2024