
Text+ is a consortium of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Germany and is aimed at all researchers who work with text and language data in the broadest sense, including but not limited to linguistics, literary studies, philology, including the so-called ‘minor subjects’, philosophy and language and text-based research in the social sciences and political science.

Text+ provides an infrastructure for the recording of text- and language-based research data. The institutions participating in the institutions have also contributed extensive resources themselves and make them available for re-use.

The search for text and language data uses the Federated Content Search (FCS), an established search platform that allows accessing distributed resources using a common specification of technical interfaces, data formats, and query languages. The framework was originally developed in the European CLARIN project and is based on standard protocols like OASIS searchRetrieve and the Contextual Query Language (CQL).

Various extensions are under development as part of Text+. These include the extended support of Lexical Resources, entity search, as well as the simplified integration of FCS in new application contexts.

Further information can be found here:

The search platform can be used both as a stand-alone web application (FCS Aggregator) and via the integration into the Text+ website.

Finding ressources

The Registry: serves as a reference system for all Text+ resources - corpora and text collections, services, editions, lexical resources and repositories.