Tools and Services

Text+ and the participating institutions offer a wide range of services related to language and text data. In addition to research data, services and tools are an essential part of the Text+ offerings for users.

For the provision and maintenance of this service overview, Text+ uses the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery platform from the Social Sciences and Humanities Cluster within the EOSC with now over 7,000 individual resources. In the SSH Open Marketplace, researchers can view Text+ offerings in a broad context with resources relevant to them, discover additional information, and thus support their research activities.

The list of offerings mentioned below is subject to constant development and expansion. Feedback and requests can be directed to the Helpdesk with the subject Infrastructure/Operations or left in the corresponding issue in our development environment.

CLARIAH-DE Tutorial Finder

The Tutorial Finder allows users to browse freely available and reusable teaching and training materials on procedures, tools, research methods, and topics in the humanities and its related disciplines.

This resource is supported by Text+.

Finding, Discovering
Finding Discovering
DARIAH Resource, Textplus
CLARIND-UdS Repository (Saarbrücken)

The CLARIND-UdS data center is part of the Text+ infrastructure and operated by the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University.

Storing, Publishing
Storing Publishing
DARIAH-DE and OPERAS-GER academic blogging with Hypotheses

Hypotheses is a non-commercial blog portal for the humanities and social sciences. The portal provides a free service that facilitates scientific blogging and ensures greater visibility as well as archiving of content.

Blogging, Communicating, Publishing
Blogging Communicating Publishing
DARIAH Resource, OPERAS Service, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
DARIAH-DE Data Federation Architecture (DFA)

The DARIAH-DE data federation architecture is the term for services and tools that enable research data and collection descriptions to be found from various sources (such as cultural institutions, libraries, archives, research facilities, and data centers) and to be used for analysis.

Collecting, Data Mapping
Collecting Data Mapping
Data, Research infrastructures, Textplus
DARIAH-DE Data Modeling Environment

Environment for modeling data and their relationships.

The Data Modeling Environment (DME) is a tool for modeling and associating data. By means of the DME, data models and mappings between them are defined and provided in terms of interfaces (REST-API).

Modeling, Data Mapping
Modeling Data Mapping
DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
DARIAH-DE Generic Search

Search engine that allows to search in the metadata records of the Collection Registry

The Generic Search creates a comprehensive search facility in DARIAH-DE.

DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
DARIAH-DE Geo-Browser

The DARIAH-DE Geo-Browser (or GeoBrowser) allows a comparative visualisation of several requests and facilitates the representation of data and their visualisation in a correlation of geographic spatial relations at corresponding points of time and sequences.

Georeferencing, Visual Analysis
Georeferencing Visual Analysis
DARIAH Resource, ATRIUM catalogue, Textplus, GKFI e.V.

A good starting point to receive support for DH-related questions, tools and resources provided by CLARIN-D, DARIAH-EU and DARIAH-DE, CLARIAH-DE and Text+ is the helpdesk.

DARIAH Core Service, Textplus, Support, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
DARIAH-DE Monitoring of research infrastructures and services using Icinga

Monitoring is a important factor for the operation of a digital research infrastructure. The data centers focus the hardware and the state of the basic software. Monitoring can be used to correct any faults and failures as quickly as possible.

DARIAH Resource, Research infrastructures, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
DARIAH-DE Publikator

For whom? Researchers who want to deposit their research data safe, persistent, and referencable in a research data repository.

The DARIAH-DE Publikator offers the possibility to prepare, manage and import research data for the import into the DARIAH-DE Repository.

Digital Object Identifier, Archiving, Publishing
Digital Object Identifier Archiving Publishing
DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
DARIAH-DE Repository dhrep

The DARIAH-DE Repository is a central component of the DARIAH-DE research data federation architecture. The DFA aggregates various services and, thus, ensures a convenient use.

Storing, Publishing
Storing Publishing
Research infrastructures, DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.

Our DH fellowships foster research into our freely accessible data and collections using text and data mining methods. The yearly call is mainly directed at young, tech-savvy researchers in all disciplines who already have some experience with Digital Humanities‘ methods and tools.

Digital Collection

Our digital collections consist of e-books, e-papers and e-journals, online dissertations, audio books, digitally recorded music, websites and digitised works.


The German National Library offers free access to its bibliographic data and several collections of digital objects. As the central access point for presenting, accessing and reusing digital resources, DNBLab allows users to access our data, object files and full texts.


entityXML is (so far) a concept study in version 0.5.2 (ALPHA), which aims to model a standardised XML-based data format for the GND Agency Text+. This resource is supported by Text+. In case of questions you may get in touch with the Text+ helpdesk at

Federated Content Search (Saarbrücken)

The CLARIND-UdS data center is part of the Text+ infrastructure and operated by the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University.

Searching, Finding, Discovering
Searching Finding Discovering
GND Agency Text+

The GND Agency Text+ is a service that is being set up at the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) as part of the NFDI consortium Text+.


Online tool for collaborative text editing to work together on the same texts at the same time.

The HedgeDoc-pad is an open-source-based web editor that allows multiple users to work on a single text simultaneously from different locations.

Collaborating, Creating
Collaborating Creating
DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
Indico Event Management

The open source software Indico developed by Cern is a web application. Lectures, meetings and conferences can be created using Indico. Three different event types (lecture, meeting and conference) can be created in Indico.

Communicating, Teaching
Communicating Teaching
DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
Metadata Service

The metadata provided by the German National Library includes current and retrospective bibliographic data for individual series in the German National Bibliography, authority data from the Integrated Authority file, metadata from the German Union Catalogue of Serials, and data on new releases.


MONAPipe stands for "Modes of Narration and Attribution Pipeline". It provides natural-language-processing tools for German, implemented in Python/spaCy.

Publishing, Annotating
Publishing Annotating
DARIAH Resource, Textplus

The Project Management Service is a collaboration self service that allows you to manage and track your projects and source code repositories. By using DARIAH-DE OpenProject, users can independently coordinate their projects, keep track of their issues and document their results.

Managing, Communicating
Managing Communicating
DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
Persistent Identifier Service

In all aspects of research, the amount of digitally stored data is increasing continuously. Thereby the management will be more and more complex, so that the sustainable reference to data and thus their permanent censibility represent a challenge.

DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.

Rocket.Chat is a web-based, persistent messaging service focusing on group communication. It is a simple and intuitive platform for all users with a GWDG account/AcademicID for their communication.

Communicating, Instant Messaging
Communicating Instant Messaging
Text+ Curated Tool Platform for Editions

Das Version 1.0 einer im Rahmen von Text+ entwickelten kuratierten Softwareplattform für wissenschaftliche Editionen liegt nun vor. Die Plattform verbessert die Sichtbarkeit von Software (und ihren Autor:innen), die bei der Arbeit mit wissenschaftlichen Editionen verwendet werden.

Text+ Federated Content Search (FCS)

The Federated Content Search (FCS) is a specification and technical infrastructure for querying and aggregating distributed research data.

Discovering, Finding, Searching
Discovering Finding Searching
Text+ GitLab

Web-based source code management with a wide range of functionalities to support development processes. Configuration of continuous integration per project. Support for the merge request workflows. Consultancy and support in setting up your projects. Connection to the GWDG user administration.

Versioning, Managing
Versioning Managing
Text+ Web Portal

Web portal for Text+ based on HugoCMS and a CI/CD deployment pipeline This resource is supported by Text+. In case of questions you may get in touch with the Text+ helpdesk at

Text+ Zenodo Community

The Text+ Zenodo Community gathers a growing collection of affiliated research outputs, guidelines, project deliverables and other documents affiliated with Text+, the NFDI consortium for text- and langeuage-related research data.

Academic Publishing
Academic Publishing
TextGrid Import UI

A Jupyter Notebook-based user interface for TextGrid Import Modelling, which is a command line tool that facilitates the creation of the metadata files required for importing data into TextGrid Rep.

Data Ingestion
Data Ingestion
TextGrid Repository & Laboratory

TextGrid is a virtual research environment for text-based humanities scholarship. It offers a variety of tools and services for collaboratively creating, analyzing, editing, and publishing texts.

Migration, Searching, Enriching, Collaborating, Lemmatizing, Discovering, Disseminating, Editing, Publishing
Migration Searching Enriching Collaborating Lemmatizing Discovering Disseminating Editing Publishing
Research infrastructures, cloud storage, research, VRE, grid, DARIAH Resource, Textplus, GKFI e.V.
tg-model - TextGrid Import Modeller

Whats the aim? This project focuses on attemps for a simple import of text corpora (encoded in XML/TEI) to TextGrid Repository by modeling the required metadata file structure.

Data Ingestion
Data Ingestion
tgadmin - TextGrid repository administration cli tool, based on tgclients

What is the aim? A command line tool for managing your projects in the TextGrid repository without TextGridLab.

The actual data import is finally carried out by the Python tools tgadmin and tgclients, which in turn communicate with the TextGrid backend via the various TextGridRep APIs.

Data Ingestion
Data Ingestion
tgclients - TextGrid Python clients

What is the aim?

The actual data import is finally carried out by the Python tools tgadmin and tgclients, which in turn communicate with the TextGrid backend via the various TextGridRep APIs.

Data Ingestion
Data Ingestion
WebLicht Const Parsing EN

WebLicht Easy Chain for Constituency Parsing (English). The pipeline makes use of WebLicht's TCF converter, the Stanford tokenizer, and the statistical BLLIP/Charniak parser.

Textplus, CLARIN

Richtlinien für die Beschreibung von Text+ Diensten im SSH Open Marketplace

This short guideline documents how services affiliated with Text+ may be described in the SSH Open Marketplace.

The approach chosen by Text+ for making services visible therefore relies on:

  • SSH Open Marketplace as the actual provisioning and curation site of the descriptive metadata of the services,
  • Text+ Registry as the delivering service in the Text+ portal, which harvests the metadata from the SSH Open Marketplace,
  • And the Text+ portal itself as the presentation layer on top of the registry.
  • Overall, both Marketplace and Registry remain as machine-harvestable sources, with the Marketplace being the authoritative source.


  • upcoming: differentiation between genuine Text+ offerings and other offerings relevant to the community; addition of funding references in the service descriptions
  • July 2024: linking of the guide & description guidelines for Text+ services in the SSH Open Marketplace; addition of filtering by categories and keywords
  • June 2024: expansion to 35 entries as well as partial revision of individual descriptions and the introductory text on this page
  • May 2024: initial version of a service list with 29 entries