Wismar University of Applied Sciences (HSWI)

Text+ center: Wismar University of Applied Sciences

Type of center: competence center

Wismar University of Applied Sciences is a high-performance research institution with a long-standing tradition. It is internationally oriented and rooted in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The interdisciplinary networking of the three faculties of Engineering, Economics and Design is a particular trademark and is documented in four cross-faculty research focuses.

With regard to the text- and language-based sciences supported by the Text+ consortium, Wismar University of Applied Sciences sees itself as a potential user of the infrastructure and a source of research data. Within the Text+ consortium, Wismar University of Applied Sciences thus assumes the role of a user and acts as an incubator within the state of MV, for example by being involved in the state-wide RDM network.

Highlights of provided data and services


Contact for Text+: Frank Krüger