
Theodor Fontane: Notizbücher. Digitale genetisch-kritische und kommentierte Edition. Hrsg. von Gabriele Radecke. https://fontane-nb.dariah.eu

Editions are critical representations of historical documents as used in research in the humanities and beyond. They involve the reliable, method-guided preservation, presentation, and annotation of all types of texts in various languages and writing systems. Among the various editorial models are documentary or diplomatic editions, genetic editions, and historical-critical editions.

Tasks & Community Approach

Members of the data domain Editions in Text+ are developing an open infrastructure for the editions community that integrates the perspectives and needs of editors, researchers, teachers, and learners - across all phases of the editing process and concerning all layers of an edition.

Our services focus on the following topics:

1. Editions Registry

The Editions Registry is an open directory of editions regardless of their media form (digital, hybrid, printed). The registry draws from various sources, including databases from funding institutions, library services, established catalogues or from Specialised Information Services (“Fachinformationsdienste”), etc.. Users are given the opportunity to register editions, supplement information, or make corrections via an UI. The Editions Registry is part of the overarching Text+ Registry that interconnects resources from all data domains. It provides the contained data as ‘Linked Open Data’ (LOD) and offers corresponding interfaces.

2. Consulting

Our consulting services is coordinated, personal, and tailored to the needs of the requesting party — from application support and questions about research data management to discussing research ideas and processes to specialised questions regarding all phases of editing. Based on existing competencies and experiences, consultants are selectively chosen for each request. Our consulting is integrated into the central Helpdesk of Text+ but can also be initiated through individual contact. In addition, we offer “Research Rendezvous”, i.e. open consultation hours on a regular basis.

3. Workshops, Tools & Training, and Curricular Recommendations

TA Editions offers a broad programme of workshops and tutorials and develops curricular recommendations for current and upcoming research standards, technologies and applications related to editions. Our community acitivities programme is complemented by a curated platform for edition software and tools.

4. Networking, Standardisation, and Participation

Partners in the Editions data domain are involved in several consortia and are also members of the NFDI e.V.. Through their institutions, they are engaged in the NFDI sections to communicate the interests and needs of the editions community into consortium-wide structures and services of the National Research Data Infrastructure.

Participating Institutions (As of 2023)

Contact Persons

Feel free to contact use via the Text+ Helpdesk.