At the core of Text+’s governance is the shared responsibility of infrastructure and community, as well as cooperation across disciplinary boundaries. The listed boards are tasked with continuously evaluating Text+’s portfolio of data, tools, and services and driving its development in collaboration with the community.
The Scientific Board holds the scientific leadership of the consortium and decides on portfolio development.
The Steering Committee is responsible for implementing the work program and takes charge of the professional and financial monitoring of ongoing work. The Overall Coordination, consisting of Scientific and Operations Speakers, is the link between these committees and is responsible for consortium management and office leadership.
The leaders of the (co-)applying institutions form the Management Group. It supports the Steering Committee and Overall Coordination in overarching and strategic matters.
Director of the Göttingen State and University Library
Coordination Committees
The Coordination Committees consist of three different Scientific Coordination Committees, each responsible for one of the data domains (Collections, Editions, Lexical Resources), and an Operations Coordination Committee. Their task is to continuously evaluate and expand the portfolio of data, tools, and services. The Coordination Committees consist of experts from the respective (subject) domains.