Core Questions
- What does Text+ offer me, especially regarding research data management?
- How can I use these offerings?
- Who supports me with questions?
- Where can I find this support?
- What research data can I find at Text+ and what can I use it for?
- Can I submit my own research data to Text+?
This brief list of potential user questions outlines the tasks of the Text+ task area Infrastructure/Operations (IO in short), which coordinates infrastructure development in Text+. What tasks does IO undertake based on these questions?
IO pursues the goal of an integrated and coordinated Text+ portfolio consisting of interoperable offerings and services (Data Services, Community Activities, Software Services). IO supports the development of the portfolio with basic services and infrastructure, expertise, and development resources.
The Text+ data domains – Editions, Lexical Resources, and Collections – are thus the primary target audience for IO. IO works with them on cross-cutting topics, the so-called cross domain topics. Cross-cutting topics include helpdesk, research data management planning, web portal, data center integration, registries, search & retrieval, metadata, GND agency Text+, and software services.
External Connection
Beyond this internal view, IO serves as an interface to the infrastructure developments in the NFDI as a whole and ensures that developments, standards, and specific offerings align with the NFDI. The five sections of the NFDI Association, collaboration with the humanities and cultural consortia (NFDI4Culture, NFDI4Memory, NFDI4Objects, Text+), and the NFDI basic services initiative Base4NFDI play an important role. On the national level and beyond, IO is also connected to relevant research infrastructures in Europe. For Text+, these are particularly the two European Research Infrastructure Consortia CLARIN and DARIAH.
In summary, within Text+, IO is tasked with the following:
- Providing a FAIR-compliant platform for generic services, such as PID service, generic search, schema management services.
- Linking existing and developing data and service portfolios of data domains while adhering to standards and norm data.
- Supporting the linking to or integration of resources and services in the NFDI and beyond (including Base4NFDI).
- Enabling easy access to the service and data offerings of Text+ through user-friendly interfaces and APIs.
- Supporting a reliable and sustainable operation of the Text+ infrastructure.
In an informal sequence, the Task Area Infrastructure/Operations offers lectures on selected topics. The - usually German-language - events take place virtually and cover, for example, services developed by IO in collaboration with the data domains and the community. The lectures are intended for knowledge transfer or as workshop reports to receive feedback on one’s own work.
The primary target audience for this format is the Text+ data domains. However, colleagues from other consortia or contexts are also warmly welcome. Topics from other consortia that are relevant to Text+ are also desired.
Since May 2022, 16 IO-Lectures have already been presented. Do you have a topic? Would you like to offer a lecture together with us? Write to us, we look forward to your ideas!
Date | Event | Presenters |
2024 | Die Federated Content Search (FCS) - Aktuelle Entwicklungen | Thomas Eckart, Felix Helfer Erik Körner, Uwe Kretschmer (alle SAW) |
9/2024 | Das Wortschatzprojekt | Felix Helfer (SAW) |
7/2024 | Wie kommt mein Dienst aufs Portal? | Stefan Buddenbohm (SUB), Lukas Weimer (SUB) |
30.5.2024 | Die Basisklassifikation in den User Stories von Text+ | José Calvo Tello (SUB), Charlotte Feidicker (SUB) |
29.5.2024 | TGRep und das Core Trust Seal | Stefan E. Funk (SUB), Lukas Weimer (SUB) |
18.4.2024 | Das TGRep - Aktuelle Entwicklungen und der fluffy Import-Workflow | Florian Barth, José Calvo Tello, Mathias Göbel, Ubbo Veentjer (alle SUB) |
10.1.2024 | Der Redaktionsworkflow mit GitLab | Alex Steckel (SUB), Maik Wegener (GWDG) |
30.11.2023 | COESCO/VERA & Citizen Science in Text+ | Marlen Töpfer (MWS) |
13.7.2023 | GoTriple | Pattrick Piel, Marlen Töpfer (beide MWS) |
27.4.2023 | entityXML - Ein Werkzeug aus dem GND-Task | Susanne Al-Eryani, Uwe Sikora (beide SUB) |
22.3.2023 | Die DARIAH Data Federation Architecture/Data Modelling Environment | Tobias Gradl (MInfBA) |
15.2.2023 | Der Redaktionsworkflow im Webportal aka CI/CD via GitLab | Alex Steckel (SUB), Maik Wegener (GWDG) |
1.12.2022 | Git - Eine Einführung ins Arbeiten | Jasmin Oster (GWDG) |
18.11.2022 | GitLab und seine Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Text+ | George Dogaru (GWDG) |
15.8.2022 | Jupyter Notebooks | George Dogaru (GWDG), Melina Jander (SUB) |
20.7.2022 | Der Text+ Helpdesk in GOTRS, Teil 2 | Sonja Friedrichs (SUB) |
5.7.2022 | Der Text+ Helpdesk in GOTRS, Teil 1 | Sonja Friedrichs (SUB) |
21.5.2022 | Zotero und die Projektbibliographie von Text+ | Lukas Weimer (SUB) |