Text+ Centers
Text+ forms a distributed infrastructure that is supported by Text+ centers. The centers can be both data and competence centers or fulfill both functions.
Data centers
In Text+, data centers function as partner institutions that focus (in some cases for specific domains) on the collection, storage, management and provision of research data. On the one hand, they provide their own data, but also accept data from third parties and form the cornerstones of the Text+ Data Space. They provide the technical infrastructure and the necessary services to ensure that the research data
- are available in standardized formats that enable long-term use and reuse,
- are appropriately documented and described to facilitate reuse by other researchers,
- are stored and archived securely in the sense of long-term archiving, and
- can be made accessible via suitable interfaces and platforms.
Competence centers
Competence centers are specialized partner institutions that contribute their expertise to the development of Text+ services and offer support in specific areas of research data provision and use. Their main tasks include:
- Advice and training Competence centers for researchers in the use and management of research data.
- Supporting the integration of data from different datasets and sources to create more comprehensive and connected research resources.
- Promoting data culture by nurturing and engaging networks of Text+ target audiences to foster a culture of data sharing and reuse in the scientific community.
The Text+ centers are assigned to the Collections, Lexical Resources, Editions and Infrastructure/Operations domains. The three data domains Collections, Lexical Resources and Editions are also organized in thematic clusters, which simplifies the collection of relevant research data: The clusters bundle all activities related to specific subtypes of data and research methods in a data domain according to the needs and research priorities of the respective community of interest.

Infrastructure/Operations coordinates the development of the distributed infrastructure and pursues the goal of an integrated and coordinated portfolio of services, data and services.
Data Domains
Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg (AdWHH)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language Historical Texts
Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz (AWLM)
Data Domains:Cluster: Ancient and Medieval Texts Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW)
Data Domains:Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW)
Data Domains:Cluster: Historical Texts Contemporary Language
Ancient and Medieval Texts Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
German Dictionaries in a European Context Non-Latin Scripts
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach (DLA)
Data Domains:Cluster: Unstructured Text
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary language
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Leopoldina)
Data Domains:Cluster: Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
German National Library (DNB)
Data Domains:Cluster: Unstructured Text
Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG)
Data Domains:Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony (AdWGö)
Data Domains:Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)
Data Domains:Cluster: Unstructured Text
Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts Ancient and Medieval Texts
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (HAdW)
Data Domains:Cluster: Historical Texts
Ancient and Medieval Texts Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
German Dictionaries in a European Context Non-Latin Scripts
Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (HAB)
Data Domains:Cluster: Ancient and Medieval Texts Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg (UniWü)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language Historical Texts
Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts Ancient and Medieval Texts
Klassik Stiftung Weimar (KSW)
Data Domains:Cluster: Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language Historical Texts
German Dictionaries in a European Context Non-Latin Scripts
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language
Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad (MWS)
Data Domains:Cluster: Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts Ancient and Medieval Texts
North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (NRW Akademie)
NRW Akademie
Data Domains:Cluster: Ancient and Medieval Texts Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
Paderborn University (UniPB)
Data Domains:Cluster: Historical Texts
Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
Philipps-University Marburg, Research Center Deutscher Sprachatlas (DSA)
Data Domains:Cluster: German Dictionaries in a European Context
Saarland University (SLUni)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language Historical Texts
Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute (STI)
Data Domains:Cluster: Ancient and Medieval Texts Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig (SAW)
Data Domains:Cluster: German Dictionaries in a European Context Born-Digital Lexical Resources Non-Latin Scripts
Technical University of Darmstadt, University and State Library Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt (DACo)
Data Domains:Cluster: Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Texts
Trier University (UniTR)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language
German Dictionaries in a European Context
University of Bamberg (UniBA)
Data Domains:University of Cologne (UniK)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language
Born-Digital Lexical Resources Non-Latin Scripts
University of Duisburg-Essen (UniDUE)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language
University of Freiburg (UniFR)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language
University of Hamburg (UniHH)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language
University of Tübingen (UniTü)
Data Domains:Cluster: Contemporary Language Historical Texts
Born-Digital Lexical Resources
Wismar University of Applied Sciences (HSWI)
Data Domains:Cluster: Unstructured Text
Non-Latin Scripts