Philipps-University Marburg, Research Center Deutscher Sprachatlas (DSA)

Text+ center: Research Center Deutscher Sprachatlas

Type of center: data center/competence center

The Lingurep of the DSA is a repository for written data, audio files and pictorial data. It is focussed on data relating to regional variation of language, i.e. dialects, regional accents and colloquial language. Typical data types include language atlasses, language maps, audiomedial language documentation, questionnaires from language surveys, geospatial data and other linguistic and non-linguistic datasets. The temporal focus is on data from the early 19th century onwards.

Within Text+, this centre adds expertise in Lexical Resources and collaborates in training and development.

Highlights of provided data and services

Third-party data reception

Within Text+, the Research Center Deutscher Sprachatlas in Marburg particularly (but not exclusively) takes on data that fits within the areas of German dialectology and variationist linguistics as well as historical data sets with spatial reference.


Contact for Text+: Robert Engsterhold