Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg (UniWü)

Text+ center: Centre for Philology and Digitality ‘Kallimachos’

Type of center: competence center

The chair of computerphilology at the Centre for Philology and Digitality ‘Kallimachos’ (ZPD) at the Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg is responsible for the analysis of cultural heritage data, as well as the construction of novel text corpora and datasets. The chair was involved in setting up Textgrid, Dariah and Clariah. Its focus lies in the development of new corpus-based methods for the analysis of literary texts. Within the context of Text+, the chair predominantly explores which requirements emerge from these approaches for research data infrastructures and libraries.

Highlights of provided data and services


Contact for Text+: dh-sekretariat@uni-wuerzburg.de