Specialised information services

With their special subject collections, academic libraries are traditionally responsible for the provision of information for science in Germany. In addition to this basic supply, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been funding specialised information services for science (FID) since 2014. The aim of this system of discipline-specific services is to provide researchers with the most direct access possible to research-relevant information. For example, the FIDs develop services for accessing digital resources. The aim is not to comprehensively collect publications, but to provide a digital and location-independent supply of information that complements local services and is orientated towards the needs of the respective subjects.

How do Text+ and FIDs work together?

The FIDs are an important body for reaching scientists in the field of cutting-edge research. They are an important partner of the NFDI in general and Text+ in particular for the development of a competence network in the field of research data management and consulting, but also with their expertise in the field of (meta-)data formats, collection criteria, interfaces and services.

Cooperation between the FIDs (listed below) and the Text+ network takes place on the basis of working meetings organised every six months, the so-called FID/Text+ Jour Fixes. They work together on issues such as GND enrichment. In addition, the participants work on joint submissions with the aim of dissemination at relevant events/workshops. The cooperation is coordinated by the FID-KOOP working group. Representatives of the FIDs are actively involved in the organisation of Text+ through their participation in the Coordination Committees.

Which FIDs are onboard?

Further Information

Die AG FID KOOP is headed by Daniela Schulz (schulz@hab.de) and Felix Rau (f.rau@uni-koeln.de).